How Many Locations Does Surgical Care Affiliates Have?

Surgical Care Affiliates (SCA) is a company that has been operating in the ambulatory surgery industry since 1982. Headquartered in Deerfield, Illinois, SCA currently operates more than 230 surgical centers in 35 states across the United States. With over 8,000 doctors providing care to nearly 1 million patients, SCA Health is a strategic partner that delivers experience and better long-term outcomes. SCA Health works with health plans, medical groups and health systems to develop and optimize surgical facilities. This helps to create value-based programs that improve quality and access while reducing costs.

Caitlin Zulla, CEO of SCA Health, and Jason Strauss, President of SCA Health, have both discussed their focus on improving the health of their patients, providers, and community. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of organizations entering the space of diversity, inclusion and belonging (DIB). It is important for organizations to not only commit to a problem but also invest money to help solve it. To achieve lasting and meaningful success, organizations need to have the right tools and resources in place.

SCA Health is dedicated to providing quality care and services to its patients. With over 230 surgical centers located in 35 states across the country, SCA Health is committed to helping doctors manage and grow their practices while improving the health of their patients, providers, and community.

Dán Luu
Dán Luu

Hardcore zombie fanatic. Proud tv lover. Typical web fanatic. Pop culture maven. Extreme coffee junkie. Professional coffee ninja.